Why startup should focus on advertising on streets instead of Facebook, Google Ads

Emin Aliyev
4 min readNov 24, 2020


As a startup founder i was pouring money in Facebook, Google Ads and was working hard to build my startup audience and taking metrics.After i realized that my competitors can sniff my audience just paying higher price per CPC.

You can learn how i growth hacked my competitors ads in this article.

After getting pissed off by digital media ads i started looking for another way how i can reach users and grow my startup.

Disclaimer: I am the founder of Easymove, marketplace startup which connects people who need delivery truck and help with local truck owners at the cost of rental truck.

My sartup is in consumer space and first we needed to create brand awareness and get consumer trust and then convert them.

Here is the startegy which we used to gain consumers attention and grow business.

80% of Americans spent 2–3 hours on roards every day and when you are driving billboards (Out of Home Advertisiment) are everywhere.
We did survey 1000 people and asked do they trust companies who advertise on billboards and result was shoking. 100% of people said that they trust to company and will user product or service without hesitation.

This was a good signal for us and validated idea that out of home media advertising works, but there are couple picky issues which hold most companies from this channel.

Well know industry problems.

1- Out of home advertising is very expensive ($5k-$30K per billboard for 4 weeks. Price depends on location.) Cheaper solution is taxi top advertising. ($2k-$3k per vehicle for 4 weeks)

2- There is no exact analytics how many people saw your ads. This is the biggest strugle for marketers.

3- You have only 5–10 sec to grab peoples attentions.Your ad design shoudl stand out and be memoriable.

4- Every marketer knows that person should see ads 7 times before it is effective. Billboards are static and it is very expensive to have 7 billboards.
Also it is almost impposible to build route for taxi top advertisement. Taxi will not drive on your route.

There is problem! Eureka, here is Solution!

As a solution we created our own internal mobile billboard advertisiment data driven platfrom which allowed us to build route, take exact analytics on how many people saw our ads, and change ads dynamically based on persons locations, democraphics.

It cost us time and money but was cheaper and innovative than traditional out of home advertisign methods and effective that social media ads.

We builded special LED Displays with traffic counter cameras and putted them on friends vehicles.

We created mesh network of mobile digital signage displays, with centralized content distribution and managements.

This technology helped us to gain massive tractions, grew mobile app downloads and increased the number of deliveries. from $AA in MRR we grew to $AAAA in MRR.

Here is how it all works.

STEP 1- Advertisers create ads, picks own route, budget, the number of digital displays, start and end date & time for campaigns. Similar to facebooks ad creations.

STEP 2- Drivers will receive campaign on their app and will accept or reject.

STEP 3- Once driver accepted campaign , content automaticcaly will be pushed to the display which he carries on his vehicle. Content downloads and start showing in less than 5 minutes.

STEP 4- Advertiser receives notification on which Ad progress, like which drivers accepted his campaigns, which content is playing on each display.

STEP 5- Advertiser will create landing page with vanity urls and place our traking pixel.

STEP 6- Advertisers on Analytics Dashboards see following:
GPS traking of each vehicle,
Total number of gained impressions, Impressions gained per each display.
User density where Ads are being showed.
Tracking pixel will track campaign effectiveness, user event, actions and dynamically change campaign effeciency.

STEP 7- Once compaign is completed, Advertiser can run reports and export collected info and import it into Segment and further on distribute ads across all social media channels.

In next month we will publish this technology to public. If you want to learn more and get update once platfrom is ready for public ping me:

Here is my contacts:
Follow me on medium, comment.
Twitter https://twitter.com/emin_f_aliyev

P.S: It is hard to be a founder and there is no clear path to success. I am happy to share my knowledge and experience with you.



Emin Aliyev

Founder of Murmur | Co-founder of Easymove (Acquired)| Software Developer, Growth Hacker, Marketer. Build SaaS and Marketplace startup